Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Scott Young is on the mind’s of museum visitors (Omemee)

It’s Halloween so I don’t know if something spooky is going on or what but one thing is for sure, Canadian Author / Journalist Scott Young was on the mind’s of museum guests this weekend. Coincidence or not, within a brief three hour period, four seperate guest’s arrived at the museum with some information and special interest pertaining to our former Omemee resident… Visitor one advised me that Scott Young had done a book signing for “Neil and Me” back in the 1980’s at 45 King Street East…Youngtown Museum address!… we didn’t know that!  Visitor two arrives and tells me Scott Young did a book signing for his book “Gordon Sinclair:  A Life and Then Some”… thinks the signing also took place at 45 King Street location… interesting, we didn’t know that either!  Visitor three arrives and advises me that he has one of Scott Young’s hockey books (we didn’t have this one) and would like to donate it to the museum… I’m thinking, funny, I was just talking to two other people about Scott Young! Visitor four arrives and informs me he is from Cypress River, Manitoba… Scott Young’s birthplace / home town!  This guest presents me with a terrific picture postcard of Cypress River and states that he felt it important that Scott Young’s hometown should be recognized at the museum in Omemee and we certainly agree.  As William Shatner would say on his new television show, are these four events weird or what? 
Remembering noted Canadian Author, Journalist, and respected Omemee resident Mr. Scott Young…